
Sunday, March 2, 2008


I am on call this weekend as a backup for a volunteer from Minnesota who is here for 2 months. He just called me about a Chopchop. The 1st wife had gotten upset at her for some reason and chopped her in the head with a machete, and then managed to completely chop off her L hand at the wrist. The ER staff and the FP were able to get a good dressing on her arm, and sewed up the scalp laceration. We stabilized her with IVFs and now will be transporting her to Mt. Hagen for definitive care, since this afternoon we don't have a surgeon. Each month we have English Lotu (church), well today it is being held at the Bible College which is about 20 minutes away, so the FP and I are holding down the fort while everyone else is at the Bible College. Unfortunately, this isn't the first time I have seen a chopchop.

Bush knives - machetes, are all too common here. You can see a small little child using a knife like it is a normal child's toy. Unforunately, using the bush knife to cut someone else is also normal. Almost everyday we see someone at the hospital who has been suffered a chopchop. Sometimes these are even self inflicted, and other times are done by others. After fighting with their husbands, women will often chop off their fingers. The lady on the R did just this. She is a Christian, but she was upset at her husband and chopped her fingers, not once, but 3 times. I am not sure how this helps, in my mind it only serves to require further amputation at the hospital and much pain, however many women do it. Thankfully when they come in we have the opportunity to share Jesus with them and pray with them.

Often the chopchops are a result of someone else. Someone may steal something, or injure someone in some way, so the family or lain of the injured person will go back to seek retaliation. One guy (on L) came in with an injury that went into his shoulder, buttocks, and calf. Dr. Jim worked hard to help him and praise God he went home. I pray that we might be able to help them understand God's love for them and the love they should have for each other. Christians are just as likely to be involved in these fights as nonchristians. The Bible tells us not to get revenge. 1 Thessalonians 5:15 - "Make sure nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try and be kind to each other and to everyone else." Romans 12:19 "Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: ' It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord." Pray that the PNGers would leave behind the traditions of the past and live in peace and learn to love each other.