
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Making rounds

This week I have started rounding in the hospital on my own. Dr. Jim Radcliffe is away so I have been in charge of D ward - the surgical ward. Many pts are here because they have suffered a chopchop - a cut by a bush knife (machete) usually from a dispute. Others have been in car accidents, and some have had surgery and are awaiting discharge. Above is a young girl and her family - she suffered 3rd degree burns on her L hand. I changed the dressings and resplinted the guy in the middle picture with the help of the OR staff. He was in a car accident and broke his ulna and radius. The other lady is a postop laparotomy pt.
I have been practicing my Pidgin. The nurses and the patients laugh with me as I try and talk, but I am learning. They correct me when I say something wrong, which is helpful. I have started praying with patients in Pidgin, which has been a blessing.