
Thursday, October 18, 2007

OPD - Outpatient Department

After daily ward rounds, I head to OPD to start seeing the pts for the day. Each day the OPD - outpatient department (the clinic) has many interesting patients to be seen. Some are very sick and others aren't as bad. Some recent pts I have seen include pts with ectopic pregnancy, pericardial effusion, septic arthritis, elbow dislocation, fractures, osteomyelitis, cellulitis, pud, tb, pneumonia, hemiplegia, lipomas, and much more. Procedures are part of the daily routine here at the hospital. The boy above had septic arthritis which we tapped of his R hip. Scott and I reduced a dislocated elbow (I wasn't strong enough, so he had to do it). The man above had osteomyelitis of his little finger so Dr. Jim helped me amputate. Doing paracentesis, thoracentesis, splinting and casting, and ultrasound are all part of the daily clinic day.