
Saturday, April 5, 2008

Adventures in Gardening Part 2

I decided that Bill is growing the wrong vegetables. I enjoy the cabbage, but there aren't any cucumbers or watermelon, 2 of my favorite foods. So, while he is gone, I thought I would try to grow some. He told me he had tried to grow cucumbers before, but it tends to be too wet and they haven't grown well. Since I have never grown anything, I figured it doesn't hurt to try and grow things I like. During my last trip to town, I picked up some cucumber and watermelon seeds. Thursday during my afternoon off, I went out to plant my seeds. First, I overturned the compost pile to try and get some good soil to plant them in. Then I rotatilled the soil where I was going to plant them, and then I planted them. We have had a lot of rain, so I am not sure how well they are doing, but I will keep you updated of any growth that I see.