PNG is a country that has been saturated with the gospel of Christ, yet everyday we come across people who don't know the truth. I was rounding this weekend and got to see Freddy 2 times after admitting him this week from the ER. Freddy is very sick and
is going to die soon. His most recent challenge has been to battle a severe form of pneumonia, which has left him very short of breath. I saw him on Sunday, and felt I needed to talk to him about Jesus, but found lots of real good excuses to put it off - seeing other pts, doing an ultrasound, doing a LP, needing to get home, he was resting. I went back to the ward one last time, and saw that he was sitting up eating, so I went to talk with him.
I asked if I could pray with him and he said yes, but when I asked if he knew about heaven he wasn't sure. Jim and Kathy had shared with some of the surgical pts using the flags, so I went and borrowed one of the pt's flags to use. I got to share the hope of heaven with Freddy and his wife, and was very thankful later that night that I didn't find another excuse not too. The ward called at 0100 to say he was having more SOB. I went to see him and he looked relaxed and at peace, as was his wife, despite being extremely SOB. I altered his meds a little and prayed with him, thankful I had shared earlier in the day. Continue to pray for Freddy and his wife.