
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 08

Once again, despite having to work, we still take the time to celebrate Thanksgiving here in PNG. All the missionaries gathered together for a nice meal this evening. We didn't find turkey in town so we went with chicken and ham instead. I don't know how to make stuffing, gravy, or mashed potatoes, so I made oreo dessert, something easy but good. I even tried a little of everything as we ate including mashed potatoes, green beans and squash, but didn't do pumpkin pie. It is always nice to be with "family" at holidays and this year our family got bigger as we welcomed the Lees - Lawrence and Kim from Image, and the Kerrigans. The Dooleys enjoyed having Grandma and Grandpa Dooley here as well.
There is lots to be thankful for, let me name a few:
  • - Christ and His death on the cross for my sins
  • My family and friends and their support while I am here
  • Luke being healthy and another little Nash baby growing inside
  • The opportunity to be at Kudjip serving the Lord as a physician
  • The healing, both physically and spiritually, that God has done on my patients
  • Patients like Buldung, Ismeal and Nathaniel who have cancer, but have been given more days to live
  • William, a patient with a pericardial effusion (more to come) who now is getting better because we drained the pus from his heart
  • - All the hospital staff who are vital to the service we provide here
  • - Becky joining us here for the next 2 years
  • - The missionaries and their love and support of me
  • - The opportunity to learn and see new things everyday
  • - God's leading to continue to do mission work once my time here is up