So game night started out with bible trivia played on a trivia pursuit board. Becky loves bible trivia and has played for years with her grandma, so she always does quite well. It was a close game, but Becky, Michelle, and the FP pulled out the win. After bible trivia we played real trivia pursuit - this was not a good idea. The teams were quite even in bible trivia, but some of us were really bad at trivia pursuit (I being one of those), and so the game was quite lopsided. Michelle, a medical student who is also here for 3 months, stole the show. She was amazing answering almost all the questions for her team. It was fun to watch her and try and stump her, but we didn't do it too often. As a result her team crushed my team, but it was still fun. If we play again, I want to be on Michelle's team.