
Friday, September 21, 2012

Time in NM with my home church

I recently got back from New Mexico and being with my home church - Angus Church of the Nazarene.  I had a great weekend with Pastor Rick and Sue Hutchison and others from the church.  I got to share at a women's breakfast, a kid's time in the afternoon, and then twice on Sunday.  It was great to get to know more people from my home church who I don't see, but once every 2 years.  My church has been a blessing to me and sure were again this time too.

While there, my church family took it upon themselves to show me all there is to see and do near by.  I got a tour of the campground and all the damage that the Little Bear fire caused just a few months ago.  Besides going to Carlsbad Caverns, I got to go to Smokey Bear's grave and little museum.  I saw some elk, and got to spend at evening at the Flying J's chuck wagon in Ruidoso, NM with some folks from church.  It was a great weekend, packed full of activities. I love my church.