One of the best things about Yellowstone for me was seeing all of the wildlife. It was great seeing bison just walking down the road or on the side of the road, just hanging out. There were tons of bison, by far the most common animal we saw, but it was still breathtaking each time. We found some elk as we were driving one day. A huge beaver was just hanging out across the river while we were fishing the first night. It reminded me of the beavers from the Lion, Witch and Wardrobe, I was expecting to hear it talk at anytime, since it was so big. We had to go to the Grand Tetons and ford a river to find moose, but we found them. We saw lots and lots of birds most of which I couldn't take a picture of, but we did catch this little guy as we were out hiking one morning. Originally identified as a Williamson's sapsucker, but then later thought to be a black-backed woodpecker, either way, it was really close to us and fun to watch. We saw a couple bald eagles, osprey, spotted sandpiper, american dipper, sandhill cranes, red tailed hawks, grey jays, mtn bluebirds and more. Thankfully, Josh was there to identify most of the birds, as my attempts to describe the birds I was seeing weren't real accurate, apparently I am color blind.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Yellowstone Wildlife
One of the best things about Yellowstone for me was seeing all of the wildlife. It was great seeing bison just walking down the road or on the side of the road, just hanging out. There were tons of bison, by far the most common animal we saw, but it was still breathtaking each time. We found some elk as we were driving one day. A huge beaver was just hanging out across the river while we were fishing the first night. It reminded me of the beavers from the Lion, Witch and Wardrobe, I was expecting to hear it talk at anytime, since it was so big. We had to go to the Grand Tetons and ford a river to find moose, but we found them. We saw lots and lots of birds most of which I couldn't take a picture of, but we did catch this little guy as we were out hiking one morning. Originally identified as a Williamson's sapsucker, but then later thought to be a black-backed woodpecker, either way, it was really close to us and fun to watch. We saw a couple bald eagles, osprey, spotted sandpiper, american dipper, sandhill cranes, red tailed hawks, grey jays, mtn bluebirds and more. Thankfully, Josh was there to identify most of the birds, as my attempts to describe the birds I was seeing weren't real accurate, apparently I am color blind.