
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Talent Show

Lots of laughing and clapping could be heard coming out of the Barnabas house this past Saturday as we  had the first annual Carol Bett Memorial Kudjip Talent Show.  I never knew our station was so talented.  We had ear wigglers, nose flarers, fingers curlers, jar openers and more.  The whistling trio started us off with their rendition of Jingle Bells, look for their single this Christmas.  Halley did a magic trick, Emma showed us her Pogo stick jumping ability, I spun a basketball on my finger and Gail did a very funny skit about a peach.  The MKs did some silly songs and a quiz on Matthew.  There were also lots of musical talents displayed as well with trumpets, guitars, ukeleles and songs in different languages.  We ended the night with our Kudjip Birthday Melody for Carol and birthday cake.  I don't think any of us have laughed this hard in a while, I definitely look forward to next year's talent show.