
Monday, September 8, 2014

Pray for Jim

6 wks ago I wrote asking you to pray for Jim Radcliffe as he was undergoing open heart surgery to fix a leaking aortic valve.  God heard and answered our prayers as the surgery went very well, and Jim is back playing with his grandkids.  He was given the okay as far as his heart goes to speak at churches and return to PNG in January.  But before he can do that, he has to have another surgery, so I am asking you to pray again.  On Tues, the 9th, Jim will have a mass on his adrenal gland (found during the workup of his heart) removed.  Pray for the Lord to guide the surgeon's hands during the operation and that the mass would be found to be benign.  Jim, Kathy and Lydia are planning to return to PNG in January with 2 other Radcliffe kids and grandkids who will also be coming back to serve as missionaries.  Ben (the oldest Radcliffe kid) and Katherine are coming back to serve as physicians at Kudjip with their 2 sons - Simeon and Matthias.  Cilla is also returning, she is the 4th Rad kid, and is coming back to be a teacher in the MK school.  Please remember this dear family in your prayers in the days ahead.