
Saturday, November 4, 2017

Superhero Harvest Party

Thanks to Gail, most of us dressed up as a Superhero or came up with some other costume for our annual Harvest party.  The kids enjoyed bobbing for lemons, and the traditional flour ball eating contest.  Some hands were used by little people, which was pretty cute to watch, as was their excitement when we cheered for them.  We had supermen and women, batmen, a smores family, spiderman and flash, Wonder Woman, jack sparrow, poison ivy, a family of animals, an owl, and much more.

After the costume fun, we got to see the High Schoolers and their bridge building projects for Art class.  Each kid built a bridge, getting some assistance from Lukas, our mechanical engineer.  Today was the day to test them and see how much weight they would withhold.  We initially started the weight with just gravel, but quickly changed to rocks and then actual weights.  Once we got to over 140lbs of weights, we started adding people, and were all amazed at how strong the bridge's were.  We didn't fully test them all, but Emma Dooley's withstood Jordan supporting himself on the bridge with all his weight, which was really impressive.  Others were sat on and still held up.  We might have a number of mechanical engineers in the future.