
Friday, December 7, 2018

Melissa's Miracle

I met Melissa on Medical Ward.  She had fluid in her lungs, around her heart and in her abdomen.  We had draining one of those areas one day, and the next day, another part of her body needed drained.  Despite, continued taps, the fluid kept coming back.  She had been on TB treatment (the most common cause of the fluid), but it continued to come.  We decided to try chemotherapy for Lymphoma treatment, as the fluid was often pretty bloody suggesting cancer – but the fluid kept coming.  She had pain because of the fluid, she was short of breath because of the fluid and no matter how much we took off – it kept coming back.

After taking care of her for 2 weeks (she had been in the hospital for over a month at this point), and after doing all I thought we could, I talked to her and her husband about going home.  I pretty much told her, we have tried everything we can, we don’t have anything else to try, and so instead of sitting here dying of fluid overload, why don’t you go home to be with your family.  After a few days, they asked to go home, and so despite the fluid throughout her body, I let her go, fully expecting that would be the last time I saw her.

Instead about 2 weeks later she was back – not better, but no worse.  2 weeks after that, I walked into Bill’s room to ask a question and found a women and her husband sitting there who looked familiar and yet I couldn’t quite remember who she was, Bill told me it was Melissa and I couldn’t believe it. She looked great, she didn’t look like the Melissa from the hospital.

Over the next month, we saw her a few more times and each time she was better and better – despite us doing nothing to help her.  I just saw her this week and could only find a small amount of fluid near her heart.  She had no complaints, she said she felt great and she looked great, a huge smile on her face.  As we talked, I couldn’t help but by so happy for her and for the miracle that God worked in her life.  Melissa and her husband are Christians, we prayed many times together in the hospital, and God heard those prayers and many others and He cured her.  I know it was nothing we did, because everything we did made no difference, it was only when she left and we quit trying that she got better.  She is looking forward to Christmas remember the gift she has been given.