One of our traditions here is to have a cookout in the park and eat hobo dinners, s

mores, and then play flashlight freeze tag (kids do anyway). The Kumors brought the smores stuff and Gail found some glow sticks in town for the kids, so we had a great Saturday night cookout. Usually all the missionarie

s participate in the park picnics, but this time we had quite a gathering as Becky Morsch's family is here visiting. 7 of her relatives have been here for a week helping to repaint their (her and Steph's) house, and then they are headed to Madang to enjoy the beauty of the reefs before some head home and some head to New Zealand. I know Becky has enjoyed her family being here, as has Steph. I look forward to getting to know some of them more in NZ next week when we go.