We enjoyed a short 15 minutes walk to the hydro church just below us. I
was wrong in when I thought church started, so we were a little late and missed a few songs, but we didn't miss the offering or the sermon. Chaplain Moses, the hospital chaplain, shared about loving God, loving ourselves, and loving each other. It was a good message. After church, everyone gathered around to greet us, and we took them out for a picture under their sign.

Pray for this church as they have been hit with a number of deaths in the past year. Pastor Lapa lost his wife suddenly about a year ago, but he keeps serving. This community also lost their leader about 3 months ago to a sudden heart attack. There were a number of women at church, but only 6 men. Pray that the message Chaplain shared on loving God, ourselves, and others, would help those in attendance to show love to their fellow men so more and more would be walking and following our Lord.