I first met Allan and Teresa shortly after I had been accepted to the Post Residency Program and was praying about where to go. I was at World Medical Missions' Prescription for Renewal Conference when I met Allan. He found out I was looking for a place to serve and and just kept telling me I had to go to Kudjip. He had just been here and had nothing but good things to say about it. It was at that conference that I met Jim and Kathy Radcliffe and got my first real introduction to Kudjip. Now it is 3.5 yrs later and Allan is here serving again with his family.

I was away his first week here, but have enjoyed working with him this week, even getting the chance to do some Csections together.
He was able to bring a lot of donated stuff for the hospital, which is a huge blessing to us. They also brought all the missionaries food items from US grocery stores that we aren't able to get here, which was really nice. They are here for 4wks, then head to Madang for a week of vacation with the Dooleys.