The College of Nursing had their graduation recently and Harmon spoke to the graduates and asked them what their motivation was for serving as a nurse. He shared stories from his family of his grandparents and greatgrandparents who served in Africa and their devotion and dedication to serving the people of Africa - talk about inspiring.
He told of how his
grandmother left late one night to go a few valleys over to tend to someone who
had fallen and wouldn't be back for a day or two. He told of his greatgrandfather who had a
vision of all the people of the world coming to heaven and the chiefs of the
tribes in the fever valley asked him how to get in because they didn't know the
words. He then spent the rest of his
life being dedicated to sharing the truth of the gospel with the people in the
fever valley, seeing many people come to know Jesus and many churches
planted. It was inspiring to hear and a
great reminder of what my motivation is, or should be each day as I serve.
The day after the graduation, the MKs had decided to do ward evangelism and invited the rest of us to participate with them. It was a great opportunity to practice that motivation - not just to help bring physical healing, but spiritual as well.