Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Graduation Party

Allison Dooley and Ethan Myers have graduated from High School.  We celebrated their acheivements with a combined graduation party.  We enjoyed seeing pictures of them as they have grown through the years, we heard their teacher, Cilla, share about their strengths and character as students, we heard from Uncle Bill and Aunt Marsha who had special graduation messages for both of them.  We played a game where we got to guess which graduate liked certain things, or did certain things - most of us got about 10 right out of 20.  The ending of our evening was lighting lanterns which we attempted to launch into the night sky.  We had a few mishaps with the lantern lightning, but we got some of them up in the air, without any injuries or fires, which was a good thing.

Allie and Ethan have been a huge part of our Mission Family and we are all going to miss them.  We wish them all the best in college and look forward to seeing how God guides and directs them in the future.