A patient came in the other day, and by looking at the patient vs their watchman, I knew the patient was going to be admitted. I asked them to put their hands up and took this picture, trying to contrast the difference of having blood in your body and not having blood in your body. The yellowish/whitish hand was the patient, who was being admitted for severe anemia with a hemoglobin of 3. The watch person, who I didn't check, but most likely had a normal hemoglobin >12. Thankfully, this patient had some family members who were willing to give him blood, and we were able to admit him and transfuse him 3 units of blood, before letting him go home. Our blood bank relies on the family and friends of the patients who need blood to keep it stocked. Thankfully, most patients have family and friends who are willing to give blood, when/if they don't, we are often able to find a nursing student or missionary to give blood. Thankful for those who give.