The Hospital Expansion Project is getting closer to finishing. The Operating Room, Administrative Building, Lab and Pharmacy are our main projects currently. All of which are getting closer each day to completion. The expansion of the Outpatient Department, ER, Labor Ward, a new Storeroom and Haus Krai have all been finished already, the rest will be done by the end of this year, if not sooner. We had the privilege of having the Australian High Commissioner come and visit us, to open up part of our Project. Mr. Bruce Davis, has been the AHC for a number of years, and was getting ready to retire and wanted to come back to the Highlands one last time and made a trip to see us. We are very thankful to Australia and their support of the work God is doing at Nazarene Hospital, and the way they have invested in us. They have given us money for the New Hospital - back in 2007, for the Hydroelectric Waterholderbacker in 2010, and now for this new Hospital Expansion. We literally, would not be where we are today, if it wasn't for Australian support of us through Incentive Fund. Thank you Australia.