
Saturday, November 3, 2007

Christmas in November

Dr. Becky Wallace - my roommate from Harlingen, who is now in her 3rd year of residency at Valley Baptist, has come to Kudjip to visit and work for the month. I was very happy to see her at the airport - what a nice reunion. It has been nice to catch up on things back in Harlingen, and on what God is doing in her life. You can pray for her as she has been accepted to the Post Residency Program, same program that placed me in PNG, and is praying about where God would have her serve these next 2 years. I was also excited to see her because I had Christmas in November. THANK YOU to ALL who sent gifts, wrote cards, and really just poured out your love to me. The love of God's people amazes me. 1 John 4:19 "We love because he first loved us."