
Sunday, November 4, 2007

Harvest Party

Last night we had the annual Harvest Party. As you can see, some people dress up and go all out - but there are no costume closets or stores around here, so you make due with what is available. Becky went as Strawberry Shortcake since she had some red and white attire. I went as a reindeer since my sister just sent me an antler set. We ate hobo dinners - food cooked in tin foil over the fire (or this year in the ovens as there was a threat of rain). We played a koolaid ice cube eating game, balloon darts, a tag like game, dizzy bat relay, sac races, and slingshot water balloon shooting. One of the highlights was the dizzy bat relay where Dr. Andy Bennett almost went over the side of the mountain, but was stopped by the fence post. The PNG onlookers from the fence found this whole race quite funny. It was a fun night, and thankfully the rain held off.