One of the best things about working here at Kudjip, is those I get to work with. From the first day I started working, up until now, I

have benefited from the experience of those who have been here far longer than I have. Despite having gained my own experience in 2.5 yrs, almost daily there are things that come up which cause me to seek a second opinion. When Bill is around I ask him my questions, as he knows everything and is a great teacher. In my time here, I have learned so much from him as we talk through the patients and keep looking for the answers.
Recently, we had the opportunity to do a Csection together on twins. We did a lot of Csections together when I was first learning (my first 3 months here), but since then we have only done a few together. It is a lot of fun working with him, and for some reason it always seems like we are in a race, even though there is no one to race against except ourselves (it isn't like we are competitive or anything). Doing a Csection with an assistant who knows what they are doing and who you work well with is a blessing and makes everything go smoother. We got in and

got the babies out (1st boy, 2nd girl), and sewed up the uterus without any difficulties and pretty soon we were done. It seemed like it was the quickest Csection I had ever done and when I asked the anesthetist what the time was he said 15 minutes. There was some question about the starting time despite what was written down, but we both said it was one of the fastest we have ever done. So whether it was only 15 minutes or not, we are thankful that we were all winners that day. The pt and her husband (one of our nurses) got a healthy son and daughter, and Bill and I got to work together and serve patients.
A very good ending to a busy Monday and something I will miss when he and Marsha head home on furlough next month. Pray for them as they prepare to go home where they will be speaking and sharing what God is doing here. Pray for us during the time they are gone as we continue with the work here.