Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Transformation Revival

The hospital started (50 years ago) to help the patients, to help those outside of the station learn more about Jesus.  In order for us to effectively minister to others, we ourselves need to be growing in our faith.  In the past few years, the hospital has held Spiritual Formation Retreats, sending the staff away on different weekends to spend more time learning about God and growing closer to Him.  The feedback from those weekends has been good, with many folks deepening their walk with the Lord.  As parent's faith changes, often that can spill over to their children, which is what we got to witness this past weekend.

We had a week of revival services on the theme of Transformation, and then to finish the week we had a Thanksgiving offering and then a baptism.  It was great to see and hear young people share how Jesus has changed their life and how they want to live for him.  A group of teenage boys sang a song about transformation and how their lives have been changes since Christ has come into their lives.  As many of those being baptized were the kids of our staff and even some of our College of Nursing Students.  

We keep praying, and would ask you to do the same, for the relationships of all of our staff, with the Lord to grow and deepen, so we can more effectively minister to the patients and help them learn and know more about Jesus.