Saturday, December 1, 2007

Christmas Service Project

Every year the missionaries do a service project at Christmas time around the station. This year it was decided to work on the hospital chapel. The chapel is used for English Lotu - or church services the 1st Sunday of every month. It is also used for hospital wide devotions, nurses inservice programs, womens bible study, nurses devotions, and much more throughout the week. It gets used a lot, but it also needed a lot of work. We removed the cobwebs from the top of the chapel with bamboo poles and towels. We replaced the lights that didn't work, and replaced some of the windows and washed all the others. The stones along the wall of the chapel got a good washing. We are hoping to coat them with some clear varnish stuff later. We were able to remove a lot of the debris from around the outside and now have some nice flower beds that are awaiting their flowers to be planted. The crosses on the front of the doors were redone and the doors repainted. All the missionaries and their kids pitched in as we completed this project.

We cleaned the chapel this am after the half marathon that Susan and Jeff Myers, and Dave Oviatt ran. They all ran under their goal of 10 minute miles, with Dave winning. Congratulations to all who ran. The Myers have been training for this for a number of weeks now. I had started to run when I first got here, but my knees starting bothering me, so I quickly gave it up for basketball. A bunch of PNGers ran with them, some completed it, but many didn't. A number of missionaries and the kids went out in support as their road crew. They cheered for them and gave them water as they ran. Unfortunately I was on call and rounding so I wasn't able to be a part of the festivities.