This condition required me to do regular pregnancy tests on her to see if the molar tissue is still present or not. (In the US you would do a blood test that would give you a real number, here we do urine tests and serial dilutions to come up with a number). As I was following her

urine tests I became concerned because her pregnancy tests remained positive after her D&C. This required me to give her chemotherapy for her molar pregnancy. This isn't something I had seen, treated, or read much about in my training, I am not an Ob/Gyn or an Oncologist, but the patients don't care, they are just thankful you are willing to try and help. After my initial rounds of chemotherapy failed, I had to talk to her and her husband about the possibility of doing a hysterectomy. They were willing, if necessary, but thankfully I was able to obtain some additional chemo meds and gave her a different course of treatment, which worked.
It has now been a year since she was first diagnosed and she is doing well. She continues to have negative pregnancy tests and is looking forward to maybe having another child in a yr or two. Praise God for this healing.