Everyday at Kudjip national nurses along with the missionary doctors serve the patients from Papua New Guinea who come from all over PNG to receive help, hope and healing from their illnesses. In the past year, there has been a number of resignations from our nursing staff for various reasons - wanting more money, pressure from family to move, wanting to work less or have different hours, etc. As a result, I just got an email that the hospital is going to have to close to "longwe" pts. A longwe patient is someone outside of the hospital's designated catchment area which for us is JIWAKA - Jimi, Whagi, Kambia areas. A lot of our patients are longwe pts, especially those coming from near Hagen (a town 45 minutes away where we do our shopping) who come monthly for routine followups for chronic illnesses. So to be closed to them is going to hurt the people we are there to serve. So please pray.

Pray for more nurses to come and share in this ministry, for them to see it as a ministry and to not fall pressure to the world's lies of money and power. Pray for the leadership of the hospital, the decisions they make regarding hirings and closings. Pray that this hospital, that for almost 50 yrs has been serving the people of PNG and sharing Christ's love would be able to continue to do so and do it well.
Matt 9:37-38 - Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out more workers into his harvest field."