I recently attended the Global Missions Health Conference in Louisville, KY the past few days. The GMHC is the largest medical missions conference in the US, with over 2000 participants. There are students, residents, physicians, nurses, PTs, and OTs who come, some have served as missionaries and others who are thinking, praying about it. I first went as a medical student and then as a resident and found out about the Post Residency Program because of the conference.
This year they encouraged the participants to make a commitment to either pray, support, learn or go to wherever God is leading. There was a large world map in their lobby for you to put a push pin in to show where you were going, praying, supporting or learning about. At the end they had us fill out cards and lay them on a world map in their sanctuary. It is pretty neat to see a whole map covered by postcards from folks who God is speaking to in various ways.
Throughout the conference I heard various speakers and also saw a lot of people I have met along my journey either through Summer Medical Institute, Valley Baptist, Post Residency Program and even folks who I have worked with in PNG. It is always neat to see how God has directed others and where He has them now. I also learned about some things that will help us at Kudjip from the various exhibits that were at the conference. It was definitely a good conference.