Rain is a good thing here in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea.
Not only is it our source of water for drinking, cooking and cleaning, it also waters our gardens which supply us with a lot of the food we eat, and sometimes allows us to have an impromptu dinner.

This past Saturday, there were plans for a football game and then smores in the park.
The Dooleys planned on cooking out before the smores and came to the afternoon football game with all there stuff for dinner.
The rain at the end of the football game almost canceled the Dooley’s dinner plans until Marsha said they could use their grill.
That invitation turned into an impromtu dinner of the McCoys, Dooleys, Rachel and I.
The Dooleys shared their kabobs, Marsha kept making up side dishes, Rachel brought corn bread, and I had brownies and zucchini.
So we had a very nice dinner on the McCoys porch and then, when it stopped raining, we joined everyone else in the park for smores.
Thank God for rain.