God's call on our lives is something that those of us who have chosen to follow Him, cannot ignore. Many people wonder why anyone would move around the world to be a doctor or a teacher or a maintenance guy, but for those of us who do it, we know we do it because this is what God has called us to do, and there is nothing else we would rather be doing. The same voice of God that called us and sent us to be missionaries, is the same voice of God that we continue to listen to and obey each day, and so when that voice/call of God tells us our time of service is over, we too, have to obey. Even when it seems like your ministry is growing and fruitful, if He calls you to go, you go.

So after 16 years of service in Papua New Guinea, Scott and Gail Dooley have felt that God is calling them to return to the US to continue serving God there as He leads. While we have had quite a few goodbyes over the last 2 years, they don't seem to get easier, it is always hard to have a part of your family leave. Our staff especially seemed to really feel this one, and are very sad to see them go, they came out in full support of Scott and Gail's ministry to them and the people of PNG. The missionaries took time to celebrate our ministry together, the kids are sure going to miss having all the Dooleys around to play with.

While here, Scott served for years as a doctor and then for 8ish years as Hospital Administrator, he will be returning to medicine in the US. Gail was able to balance caring for their girls, being a scrub nurse, being a coach for our patients and so much more and hopes to get back into nursing in the US. Allison, their oldest is already back in the US in college, Emma, their 2nd daughter, was heading to college this summer, and Olivia, will be missing her friends here and be transitioning from home school here, to attending school in Missouri next year. Pray for them and all the transitions ahead as they continue to obey God's call on their lives.