Come they told me, A new born king to see, Our finest gifts we bring, To lay before the king, So to honor him, When we come, Little baby, I am a poor boy too, I have no gifts to bring, That’s fit to give our king, Shall I play for you, Mary nodded, The ox and lamb kept time, I played my drum for him, I played my best for him, Come they told me, A new born king to see, Me and my drum (Insert “Pa rum pum pum pum” at every comma)

As a Hospital, we are made up of many individuals, who work in different departments, and yet together we have been able to Minister as a Hospital to the people of Jiwaka and beyond, who come for care. The gifts we bring:
- Security – The gift of safety
- Project Team – The gift of our buildings
- Maintenance – The gift of keeping us running, power and water
- Hygenists – The gift of cleanliness and service
- Primary Health Services – The gift of ministry to the poor and outcasts
- Health Professionals (Nurses, CHWs, Doctors, Dental Staff, ASOs) – The gift of physical healing and helping
- Lab/Xray - The gift of diagnostic assistance
- Chaplains – The gift of spiritual ministry and health
- Clerks (OPD, Admin, Medical Records) – The gift of organization, record keeping and assisting
- Canteen and Food Service – The gift of nutrition
- Finance/Business Office – The gift of financial accountability
- Administration – The gift of leadership, organizational direction
- MSP Field – The gift of vision, accountability and leadership