18 ER evaluations including 8 admissions, 8 hours of sleep, 6 C Sections (3 girls, 3 boys), numerous visits to B (maternity) ward, numerous power outages, 2 severe preeclamptics on Magnesium, 2 hours locked out of my house, 2 dinner invitations, 2 songs played over and over in OR and in my head from Jars of Clay– I Need Thee Every hour, God Will Lift Up Your Head, 1 bad chopchop, 1 neonatal resuscitation requiring intubation, 1 rapid HIV test on B ward, 1 child hit by motorcycle, 1 child died with dehydration/malnutrition, 1 CS partially done with flashlight & headlamp, 1 rape victim, 1 guy run over by a tractor trailer, 1 game of basketball, 1 hour of Bible Study, 1 HUGE time of brokenness, weakness, and questioning
Value of weekend – PRICELESS – GOD proved Himself faithful and strong over and over, He provided help and comfort when I needed it most, He restored my spirit and gave me a joy for serving again. 2 Cor 12:9 - "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
on L - During 1st CS the lights go out just as Mr. Mugang about to put in Spinal. Flashlight and headlight illuminate work a
on R - Gideon (nursing student), Jennifer (scrub tech) and I just after power was restored during the CS which required the use of the headlight and flashlight to sew up the uterus.
on L - working in ER by headlamp since had no power
on R - Baby boy Bii resuscitated after CS which required intubation, both mom and baby doing well
on L - Sister Peru, after being trained by lab, does first Rapid HIV test on maternity ward at night
on R - removing bandages from David who was chopped multiple times in both arms sustaining multiple finger amputations. I prayed with him and assisted Dr. Bill in sewing up the skin. Today, after receiving 2 units of blood, was transferred to Goroka Hospital for definite surgery.