Today we said goodbye to Dan, Christina, and Caleb Benedick, who were with us for a month. Dan, a 2nd yr FP resident, is interested in doing missions when done with residency. Christina is a teacher and Caleb's (15months) mom.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Circle Time
Circle time is whe
re all the missionaries gather at the circle to say goodbye to the folks who are leaving. This is done for those who have come to give their time to the hospital or to this station. Usually it is done at 0800 before the work and school day starts. Everyone gathers outside the hospital at the circle, outside the Radcliffe home. While folks ar
e gathering people start to say goodbye to the folks leaving. Once everyone is assembled, we join hands in a circle and pray for those leaving. More goodbyes and hugs follow, then we wave goodbye as the vehicle leaves. The kids usually run and gather flowers and run ahead and throw flowers at the vehicle as it is driving away.