He is Risen. What a glorious day to celebrate the Resurrection of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. On Good Friday, Jesus willingly gave His life and died on the cross, taking the punishment for our sins upon Him. He was buried, but 3 days later - Easter Sunday, He Arose, death was defe

ated. Now, for those who believe, we have the hope of eternal life. This Easter was special because I have been thinking and praying a lot for my grandma. My grandma is dying of leukemia and is spending Easter in the hospital. This past year, she came to understand what Easter is all about in a new way, as the Lord saved her. So even though I probably won't see my grandma in person on this earth again, I know I will see her in heaven, and can rejoice in that. Bill recently shared with me

a sermon "But Sunday is a Coming." Good Friday was very dark with the pain and the agony that Jesus faced, however on Sunday there was hope and joy when He arose. How comforting this has been to know and realize that through the dark times of my grandma's illness, there is a day coming when we will rejoice.
The morning started with a sunrise service at the Radcliffe porch. I wasn't sure how we would all fit, but we managed pretty well and had almost the whole missionary family of Kudjip in attendance. We sang a few songs, shared a few testimonies, and enjoyed some breakfast.
Following this, I th

en went with the Myers Family, Kristen (school teacher), Cassie (school tea

cher), Becky (missionary), Pam (xray tech), and Josh and Sara (med student and wife) to Kumi church where Jeff preached. We had a fun drive out to church as we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and the many bumps along the road. We then had to walk across a very sturdy bridge in order to walk up the hill to our church. Kumi church is a preaching point of Tuning Church (about 15 minute car ride away). We all squeezed into a small building that was nicely decorated with lots of flowers and vegetables that the church people had brought. Susan played a special song on her flute, and Jeff preached. He preached on Peter how he denied Christ, yet was restored, and knowing the hope that God too forgives us. The church then gave us the vegetables that were decorating the church and we headed home.

Following church we headed back to the Myers where we enjoyed our Easter meal. We had ham, pumpkin, rice (instead of potatoes for someone who doesn't eat potatoes), green beans, salad, jello, crescent rolls, and cabbage. For dessert we had oreo dessert. So it was quite a meal, and I got to enjoy a nap once I got home.