Susan was admitted in January with congenital heart disease, preg at 24 wks, and elev bp. Her BP when she came in was >200/100. I have cared for her for these past 8 wks, working on getting her BP down, and doing what we could to help the baby. We got the BP down, but the baby quit growing and had IUGR. So yesterday, Dr. Jim and I did a CSection on her in the hopes that the baby might do better on the outside. She had a girl who weighs just 1200 grams. Please be praying for her in the days, weeks, months ahead that the Lord might continue to sustain her and to help her grow.
We had a huge praise this week in the maternity ward. Nato came to us about 2 weeks ago (or more) and de
livered a baby, but sustained a deep laceration in the process. Her laceration was repaired, but she lost a lot of blood in the process and went into shock and acute renal failure as a result. Andy was caring for her at that time and despite doing everything he knew, her creatinine (Cr, a blood test for kidneys) kept going up and up - to 15. We don't really have the capability to do dialysis here, although it has been tried in the past, so we didn't have much to offer her medically. We could only wait and hope and pray that the Lord would see her through. When I took over B ward her Cr was still 15, but it has been going down to 12, 9, 6, and yesterday 4.4. Praise God - what a recovery. This has nothing to do with our medical care and everything to do with the Lord's work in her life. Yesterday, I tried to explain how close she was to dying and how thankful I was to see her and her baby and to know that God has done this work. I am not sure if she caught it all, but it was great to pray with her and thank the Lord for His hand upon her.