Today in PE we finished our unit of volleyball. For those of you who play volleyball, you know the skills required to play well, take time. Our 3 classes, for a total of 3 hours, didn't allow us a lot of time, but we made the most of it. We learned how to bump, set, spike, and serve, and worked on getting the ball to the setter on the 2nd hit. The kids definitely improved their skil
l level in our times together. We were in a circle today bumping the ball back and forth trying to see how many we could get i
n a row. Initially we got to 10, then the last time we got to 13. You would have thought we won the Olympics, the kids were so excited. So from then on, we jokingly talked about how we were the PNG Olympic volleyball team heading to China. Don't be surprised if you don't see us in China, you will probably find us here working on some basic skills. We did have some good spikes today as we were practicing. It has been fun to see the kids improve over the weeks. Next week we go back to our presidential physical fitness test before we start something new.