Our 32 bed wards could be 50 beds and we would still find times when folks sleep on the floor and we need more room. On the L was what the ward looked like when I walked onto it one morning last week. With 6 patients on the floor and all the beds full, it was time to get to work and try and get people home. Some people are funny and won't go home until they are fully recovered - no more pain or sickness. Unfortunately, the majority of them have had hard lives and have worked in such a way where they now have osteoarthritis of all their joints, and that pain I can't make go completely away. Or they have smoked and sat in smoke houses most of their lives and now have COPD with a chronic cough, that also won't disappear by staying in the hospital. So as I try to explain this to some of them, they put up a fight and won't go home. Thankfully, I was able to discharge enough patients to get the patients off the floor and Becky discharged some to give us a few empty beds which will help the nurses. But a busy day is a good day, more chances to serve.