I moved him to the ER to get him set up for drainage of his fluid, and repeated the ultrasound. Now his liver, which wasn't significant the last time I saw him, was now full of pus. He had a

liver abscess which was causing the fluid in his lungs and abdomen. After talking with Jim, it was felt that medical management was our only option right now as he was pretty sick and there were so many abscesses in his liver, that you couldn't drain them all. So we prayed and talked with the family, and I drained the fluid from his lungs and abdomen.
I wasn't sure how he was going to look this morning when I went to check on him, but I expected him to continue to be pretty sick. Instead, I find him sitting up on the floor (no beds) eating a scone with his mom by his side. Praise God. He isn't out of the woods yet, but I continue to pray that God will heal him.