Bill and Marsha are heading back home for their home assignment this Sunday. As we do here, those of us staying invite t

hem for dinner the days prior to them leaving to ease their burden as they are preparing and packing to go home. Becky and I both hosted them, but invited the other over, so we enjoyed 2 meals with them before they go. They will spend the next 4 months speaking and sharing what God has been doing through the work of this hospital in churches in California, and visiting with family.

Pray for them as they head home, that God would renew their calling and continue to strengthen them for the work He has called them to. Pray for us as we transition to having Scott Dooley serve as our Hospital Administrator, filling in for Bill while he is gone. Pray for me as I adjust to not having my neighbors, and those I am closest to, around for the next 4 months.