afternoons. Rachel brings him over after lunch, and as soon as I go and open the door, I hear him say, "Ba" = ball, knowing that there are balls inside. Balls are one of his favorite toys, and his first word. He walks into my house and goes right for the basketball, volleyball, football and tennis balls that he likes playing with. This past week he found Mr. Potatoehead's glasses and started wearing them around, he was pretty cute.
When we aren't playing with balls inside, we go outside and explore the fun of the garden - the dirt, water buckets and the snacks - cherry tomatoes and strawberries. He usually ends up pretty muddy and wet by the time we head to the field for PE. He plays with more balls, rocks, sand and mud as we wait for the high schoolers and his mom to come and take him home.
It has been a lot of fun spending the afternoons with him, and seeing him explore the world in front of him.