Bubba is my cousin James. From the time he was a baby, his older brothers called him Bubba, apparently because he was a chubby baby and since then the nickname has stuck. James is the youngest of my cousins and is the one that Megan’s boys have taken a liking to as he is one who is around and will play with them at family events. I was heading out to Philly to visit my aunt for and some supporters for 2 days and my aunt asked if Luke would want to come too.
For 1 wk leading up to my trip, all Luke talked about was going to
Bubba’s house (he needed a reminder of who all the other people were in the house). He wanted to make
sure I woke him up and didn’t leave without him. He packed his bag 2 days ahead of time, and would have done it
sooner if his parents let him. He was excited and ready to go.
Our trip went well. There were lots of activities for Luke to do and have fun with from swimming at some friends, to playing with lots of toys with Bubba and Dan, to riding bikes, eating smores, making creepy crawly bugs, watching Bubba play basketball and baseball, having ice cream and going to the castle park. The 2 days were filled with lots of activities, sugar and fun. It was Luke's first trip away from his parents, the car ride was longer than he remembered, but he did well. I enjoyed the time I had with Luke and the time with my aunt, uncle and cousins.