Power outages are not uncommon here on the station. Our primary power source is our hydroelectric plant. At times debris gets stuck inside, and the power goes out briefly, at other times it just doesn't work but I don't know why. Often when it goes out, it will kick back on within a minute. The missionaries joke that just as you are lighting the candles the power comes back on, this is often true, but we have the candles ready anyway. When our hydro plant doesn't work, we then use the government power - which is quite expensive, but it provides the power we need. The hospital has a back up generator which runs when the power doesn't to keep things going inside the hospital. One thing I have recently realized, is that I no longer notice when the lights go out at the hospital, it is just a normal occurrence, and we just keep working. At times Dr. Jim has operated by flashlight, but thankfully that didn't happen tonight during 2 CSs that I did with Dr. Bill. We had our headlights just in case.
On Sunday from about noon to just after 8:00pm, we didn't have any electricity. Above the new hospital work site are some power lines, which are being moved. A work crew came to move them

on Sunday, so they shut off the power. Not knowing when the power might return, the McCoys started preparing just in case. I was reading and I heard this sound of what sounded like something on the roof. I didn't know what it was, but shortly afterward I hear a call of "Erin" from the McCoys. I am thankful I live by them, as I wouldn't have thought to get water from our water tanks to wash dishes, fill the tub, fill up the water filter, and the toilet. So we started a bucket brigade and brought water into our houses from the tanks which collect the rain water. Bill reminded me to get the camera as "You never know what people might want to read." So in case you have been wondering what we do here when we don't have power, I am writing this for you. If you weren't wondering, well you now know, thanks for reading.

The McCoys started a bible study on Sunday nights. Normally one brings a bible and a pen to bible study, but after our first study when the lights went out briefly, I learned that a headlight is also a necessity. So having no power and being in the dark didn't stop us from studying Luke 5 and 6 last night. We read by headlight and candlelight. The bible study has been a blessing, it has been great to get into the Word more and discuss the Word with other missionaries, as we grow closer to Him.