This was the 33rd yr for the College of Nursing Graduation here at Kudjip, which graduates 25 students each year. The students come from all over Papua New Guinea to stu
Everyone came out for the event because of the Governor General. There had to be around 1000 people there if not more. After prayer, Doctors Andy, Jim, and Bill played the
PNG national anthem on their trumpets. Dr. Jim also played a solo of Here I am Lord, which was very good.
The Gove
After his speech, he handed each graduate their diploma. I had worked with many of the nursing students in the hospital, so it was neat to see them graduate. Throughout the year, the students rotate with the doctors and spend between 1-2 weeks with us. When they rotate, we have the opportunity to work with them on physical exam skills and on diagnosis. Some of these students will go out to small aid posts or health centres and may be one of the only caregivers there.
After the graduation, Bill got to sit with the Governor General at the reception. He asked why we, the Americans, come here and serve the people of PNG. Bill got the privilege of sharing with him that we take Jesus seriously and when He says to follow me, we do. What a testimony.