Other than xrays, ultrasound is the only radiologic modality we have to aid us in diagnosis. There is hardly a day that goes by where I don't use the ultrasound machine. If I don't use it, someone else definitely has. It aids us in all aspects of our patient care. In OB, we use it to determine gestational age, position of the baby and placenta, to check the fluid of the baby, and determine presence of fetal heart movement. In the ER, we use it to rule out ectopic pregnancy, to look for free fluid in abdomen, to find a place for a paracentesis, and more. In OPD, we use it to evaluate the liver, spleen, kidneys, uterus, and ovaries for pathology, to look for abscesses, to try to evaluate if something might be cancerous, and anything else that might come up. We often are bringing it to the ward to evaluate pts that have been admitted, or we bring patients down to the machine, which is outside our OPD area.
None of us have formal training in ultrasound, but we all learn as we go. Before I came, I spent some time with ultrasonographers in the States, but nothing compares to just doi
ng it. When I first started, evertime I did an US I would ask someone to come in and check what I was seeing to determine if it was normal or not. I still ask lots of questions, but am feeling more comfortable on my own. Although I have been doing US for 6 months now, it wasn't until just recently, when I did 4 with Bill, that I finally figured out how to tell what was the uterus and what was the bladder (a very important distinction). Liam's (Bill and Marsha's grandson) famous saying "Keep Looking" is how we learn. We learn by doing and looking and trying to remember what normals looked like and then finding something abnormal and trying to remember what that looks like. When in doubt you can always scan yourself, as Bill is doing, to figure out what normal might me (this assumes you are normal).
Recently I had a pt with a breast mass and I went to US it to try and determine if it might be cancer. I haven't
done this before, so I asked Bill for help. He looked at it and determined it was normal, so I asked what cancer looks like. He wasn't really sure and said he needs to "keep looking" and do more scanning of breast cancer to get a feel for it. The next day I had another lady with a breast mass which seemed like cancer from palpation. So I ultrasounded her, mostly to figure out what it looks like on ultrasound for the future. I got Bill to come and take a look with me, and now we both have a picture in our heads of what it looks like (picture to L, not as clear as the one in my head). This is how we learn.
The more we use the ultrasound machine, the more we rely on it. We use it a lot in emergency situations to determine if there is a placeta previa, ectopic pregnancy, or free fluid in the abd that we needs to go to surgery. We have pts coming in requesting scans for every ailment they have. We explain that we can't use it for everything, but we do use i
t for a lot. With all the use, our machine has started to show some wear and tear. We are now starting to get permanent shadows and some streaks that flash on and off the screen. This isn't good and makes scanning very difficult at times. As a result, we are trying to obtain a new ultrasound machine. This is where we could use your help.
We have a contact at GE and a new ultrasound machine will cost us around $20,000. This is a lot of money, as you all know. While we raise the money for the new machine, we be getting a new probe for our old machine which will extend the life of the old machine for a period of time. After we get the new machine, our current one will serve as a backup.
So if anyone is interested in contributing to helping us purchase a new ultrasound machine, please do. Here is how: make checks payable to World Medical Mission, under memo use project code 003466, which is a fund set up specifically for me to use for hospital related things here. This is all tax deductible. Send to: World Medical Mission P.O. Box 3000 Boone, NC 28607
Any questions please email me. Thanks for your support.