I do have some growth in 3 of the 10 cucumber plants, and 1 of the 3 watermelons. I am hoping they keep growing and whatever is affecting the other plants won't affect them. I continue to harvest lots of tomatoes, but since these aren't something I enjoy, I keep sharing them with others. We have also recently had a number of pineapples ripen, which has been nice to eat. I am definitely enjoying my gardening time. There is still tons to learn, but it is nice to be outdoors.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Adventures in Gardening 3
This week I have noticed quite a bit of destruction by little critters to my growing cabbages and other plants. I had dusted with some sort of insectide something, but a
pparently it wasn't enough, or they are resistant to it. As a result, I have lost a lot of early growing cabbages and even some older ones. This will seriously deplete my cabbage supply, so today I set out to t
ry and get some more growing. I really wasn't sure what I was doing. I had learned from Bill that you can just plant the new cabbages that grow from the old cabbage after it is picked. There were cabbages in varying stages throughout the garden. I didn't know exactly which ones were the best, so I went for those without bugs, and chose some of varying sizes. We will see how they do.