Our day started quite early today as Megan and I were on call last night. We got some phone calls, and around 8 or so, had to go in and evaluate a lady in the ER, who had had an abortion and was still bleeding. After dealing with her, we headed home and tried to get some sleep. One of the calls in the middle of the night was for a lady with vaginal bleeding who was pregnant and close to being due. We had to go in and evaluate to see how much bleeding she was having, and to determine how far along she was, and where the placenta was. The ultrasound confirmed placenta previa - where the placenta overlies the opening of the uterus causing painless bleeding which can have bad outcomes for both mom and baby. When we saw the pt, she was stable, but we wanted to give her some blood to make up for what she lost and to try and get us ready for CSection. If she continued to bleed, we were going to need to do
a stat CSection to save both mom and baby. They called again at 0430 saying she had bleed a lot, the blood was still going. So we prepared for an emergency CSection. When we got to her she was in a pool of blood. I wasn't sure we were going to get the section done in time if she kept bleeding like that. We talked to the patient and her guardian and explained the situation and prayed and asked God to help us, and to watch over both mom and baby. Praise God, He answers prayer. Thankfully her blood pressure remained stable, and we got her to the OR for the section. I put in the spinal and Megan and I quickly scrubbed. We got out the baby, and although small, she was crying. I went to remove the placenta and felt another head - TWINS. So we delivered the second boy who was also doing okay. I checked for a third, but didn't find any. So Praise God, this mom who had lost her first pregnancy, and almost lost this one too, now has twins. Please pray for these babies of Enn, the girl was requiring oxygen this am, and didn't look as good as her brother.
We got home just after 0600 from our section, plenty of time for Megan and I to get back to work at 0800. I just gave Nathaniel, my Burkitts kid, his chemotherapy, while Megan played me today. She rounded on the Medicine Ward and then saw patients in the clinic. She said many patients thought she was me, and didn't realize she wasn't. They tried to give her English speaking pts, but it was still hard for her to figure out all that was happening with them. She did great though, taking care of the patients and just caring for the patients of PNG. It was fun for me to see her praying with patients. I don't always take the time to do this with most of the patients, and she has reminded why I am here serving.
While she was working, Joe and I were hanging out with Luke. He has adjusted quite well these past few day
s. Initially he didn't like the milk here, but now will take it. He is eating well, and enjoying the chance to be outside. He is sleeping great now, and taking his 2 naps a day. Today after playing doctor with dad, we went for a walk. We were going to go swing, but got invited to go swimming instead, so we quickly c
ame back and changed. Luke and I went to the Dooleys, were they have a little pool and swam with Aden and Wiley Riggins, Olivia Dooley, and Caleb Kumor. Luke initially cried, but seemed to enjoy himself. Everyone said he looks like me, which is another way of saying he looks like Megan since they don't really know Megan. We finished in time to come and meet Megan and Joe for lunch. We were going to visit Megan at work after Luke's nap, but she came home instead. Megan and I headed out to play basketball this afternoon. Megan helped coach a 7th-8th grade team this year, so she was hitting everything. It was fun to play with her again. We came home and played outside in the yard with Luke, he liked playing with the basketball, chasing Buster, and throwing lemons. Joe cooked us a great dinner of a steak wraps which we followed with Lion King.