John Opa, has been a friend of missionaries for years. He has worked for security and maintenance and our projects, as well as coming and selling avocados to us on station. He also, serves as our local hiking guide at times. Mt. Tabi is his mountain, and he enjoys showing us the sites, as well as introducing us to PNG life and culture.
We enjoyed trying sugar cane, and Taylor even tried "salad." A leaf that they claim takes away pain. For those of us who have accidentally rubbed against it, we have discovered that it doesn't take pain away, it causes pain. Wherever the small thorny parts of the leaf poke your skin, a local reaction occurs, causing inflammation and pain - which maybe takes away the deeper pain, but sure makes pain on the surface. So many of our patients use it regularly for pain relief, but I prefer Ibuprofen.
As always, we gathered a group of children on our hike, most were related to John, or from Konduk Church and joined us as we passed. I am pretty sure they come for the entertainment that we provide. They do help us and give us a hand to steady ourselves, but they also laugh with us as we slide down the slippery clay trails. They sure are a joy.