It is still my US birthday, but my PNG birthday has come and gone. I enjoyed a nice day working at the hospital with lots of people wishing me happy birthday. I think Dr. Jim was trying to get the nurses on my ward to sing, but I got there too soon, so they weren't ready. When I got home from wor
k I found a birthday card from my dad and his wife which had just come and pictures of my nephews, what a great present. I enjoyed a nice dinner with the McCoys and Becky of chicken, broccoli, rice, cabbage, and watermelon, followed by the birthday song melody and cake and ice cream. It was a lovely evening and then I got to talk to my sister to wish her a Happy PNG/US Birthday as well. Next year we plan on celebrating together. Even though the day has passed, the birthday celebration isn't over as tonight I get to have dinner with the Radcliffes and Olivia and Germaine (med students). I am very thankful for my family here on station and back home and for God's love which makes our love for one another possible.