Luke is the oldest at 3 and a half. He is constantly on the go and always asking Why? to everything. He is also quite a little athlete. He hits golf balls and baseballs, and likes to play hockey. Since I started playing tennis in PNG, I thought I could teach him that. So I got him a little tennis racket and into the basement we went for some lessons. He hasn't grasped the backhand yet, but has quite a 2handed forehand going. He has hit me more than once with the ball, not quite understanding the concept of swinging easy. He is also quite competitive as he asks in the middle of him hitting the tennis balls if he won. Not sure where he got that from :)
Graham is almost 16 months. Despite calling me mama a lot, he does know the difference between Megan and I, but is content with me most of the time. He loves to hold balls and while swinging he will ask for a ball and hug it with a hug smile on his face. He tries to keep up with his brother, but at times Luke gets a little rough. He does love his little brother Eli. He wants to hold him, and touch him all the time.
Eli is only 3 months. He is pretty content with eating, sleeping and having his diaper changed. He likes the bouncey chair and the swing, which helps free up my hands to help the other boys. It has been a good week.