I got to spend Christmas day with my sister and her family today. The boys usually wake up at 7 or sooner, but today for some reason (likely getting home late from church last night) they were still sleeping at 7:30, so Joe got them up. Luke was quite excited to see a blow up deer near the Christmas tree, knowing that a crossbow maybe there also. He finally got to his crossbow and then wanted to go and shoot. After breakfast, he got a lesson from dad and the deer was in trouble. Graham also got in on the action with help from mom. Graham was very happy when he opened up his very own broom and started sweeping the floors. He often asks for the broom, even when no one is sweeping, and will help sweep the house. Now he has his very own. Eli, just kind of took it all in, but he did enjoy his puppy pillow pet and the ball pit. All the boys got a bouncey house with ball pit to enjoy downstairs while the weather is cold. Luke instantly loved it and just jumping all around. Graham thought Luke was a little too wild, and didn't like being hit by his brother's arms and legs, so there was some screaming, but he enjoyed it too after a little bit. Eli was content in the ball pit, as long as his brothers didn't join him. We enjoyed a nice ham dinner and then sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. It was a very good day. Merry Christmas to you all.